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The Director Challenge

Discover if you have what it takes to lead effectively.


Take the IDAPNG Director Challenge to assess your readiness to become a company director.


You’ll gain insights into your strengths, areas for improvement, and the next steps to elevate your leadership journey.


Let’s get started on uncovering your boardroom potential.


Answer 50 insightful questions to receive a detailed report showing your readiness.


What is corporate governance?
What are the benefits of good corporate governance?
Who has ultimate responsibility for the corporate governance of an organisation?
Which of the following statements reflect best practice?


What makes Not-for-Profits (NFPs) different?
What do NFPs do with surplus funds?
Accountability takes many forms at every level of organisational activity. For NFPs, accountability means:


In a company, who does the CEO report to?
What is a corporate governance handbook?
What does a document called ‘Matters Reserved for the Board’ detail?
Typically, how often should an effective Board of Directors meet?


Which of the following factors should NOT influence the size of a board?
How are decisions by the board made? Are they made by:
What is a remuneration committee?


What is the primary role of a Board of Directors?
Who leads the board of directors?
Which document will the directors refer to see what the main objectives of the organisation are?
What is a Non-Executive Director (NED)?
What is the optimum range for the number of directors of a publicly listed company?
What does fiduciary duty mean?


What is the most effective way to find a role as a Non-Executive Director?
Which one of the following are unlikely to provide you with reliable sources of information to help you understand a company’s governance record?
The focus of aspiring non-executive directors when carrying out due diligence of a potential opportunity should NOT be on:
Before accepting an NED appointment, prospective directors should:


Who is responsible for initiating discussions on the culture of an organisation?
What should the culture of the board be aligned with?
What are the indicators of a good company culture?


Most companies begin the process of establishing organisational ethics programs by developing:
Where an organisation takes into account the effect its strategic decisions have on society, this is known as:
Directors’ responsibilities are unlikely to include:


Conflicts of interest involve individuals:
Conflicts of interest can be:
When a director is involved in a transaction (or action) that gives rise to a conflict of interest, and the company is informed, which of the following prevents the director from being in breach of his fiduciary duty:


What is a risk appetite?
What is a business risk?
Which of the following is not a strategic risk?


What is a going concern?
What is the most appropriate document that is used to judge whether an organisation is able to pay its bills in the short term?
Which of the following is not included in a cash flow statement?
Which of the following is the most important criteria to be considered when selecting external auditors?


What is corporate strategy?
In relation to strategy, what is the board responsible for?
Which of the following tools are not typically used in the strategy development process?
Should ESG be incorporated into an organisation’s strategy?


What is a board evaluation?
How often should an external board review be carried out by competent governance professionals?
What is the most critical board committee?


A board member is attempting to force the passing of a resolution she believes is necessary by cutting off and interrupting other speakers to repeat her views. Which of the following best illustrates what an effective chair should do in this situation?
The chair decided to introduce half an hour of drinks and canapés prior to the monthly evening board meeting. What would be the best reason to account for doing this?
Agendas should be sorted, prioritised, timed, have board papers attached and be circulated to members within the agreed time frame. Which of the following is the most important task of a chair prior to the tasks listed above being completed?

      Why take the director challenge?      

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the PNG Director Challenge and who is it for?

The Director Challenge is a self-assessment designed for aspiring and current board members who want to evaluate their knowledge of corporate governance, leadership, and ESG topics. It helps you understand your readiness for boardroom responsibilities and offers insights to improve your skills.


How will I receive my results after completing the challenge?

Upon completion of the challenge, and payment of a fee, you will receive a personalised report directly to your email highlighting your strengths and areas for improvement. We will also provide recommendations on how to further your corporate governance knowledge.​


What can I expect to learn from taking the challenge?

The challenge will give you a clearer understanding of your boardroom strengths and any knowledge gaps you may have. You’ll receive tailored feedback to help you understand where you stand and suggestions for courses or resources to enhance your corporate governance and ESG expertise.

Get a Quote

After completing the online quiz, request a personalised report with your results, insights, and guidance on how to take the next step in your directorship journey enroute to becoming an effective leader in the boardroom.

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