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Ethics Policy 2024



1.1 This Ethics Policy sets out the IDAPNG’s approach to organisational ethics and how the organisation fosters and directs an ethical culture, through the IDAPNG Board setting the direction for how ethics should be approached and addressed within the organisation and outside of the organisation, therefore applying to both internal and external stakeholders of the IDAPNG.



2.1 The IDAPNG Board sets the direction for organisational ethics as well as provides ongoing oversight of ensuring that an ethical culture is upheld. In order to do this the IDAPNG Board ensures that the codes of conduct and ethics policies:


a) encompass the IDAPNG interaction between internal and external stakeholders and the broader society;
b) address the key ethical risk issues of the IDAPNG; and
c) provide for suitable sanctions for breach of or non-compliance of such codes of conduct and policies.



3.1 The IDAPNG ethical standards and values are


a) Integrity – an IDAPNG stakeholder should consistently live up to the highest ethical standards of honesty and truthfulness, and all their dealings should be above board and beyond suspicion;


b) Competence - an IDAPNG stakeholder should ensure they have the required competence to carry out the work at hand; and must act with due care, skill and diligence, and take responsibly diligent steps to become informed about matters for decision;


c) Responsibility - an IDAPNG stakeholder should act and conduct themselves in a responsible manner in relation to the IDAPNG, all other stakeholders and the greater society;


d) Accountability - an IDAPNG stakeholder should be able to answer and justify their conduct in execution of their responsibilities, even when delegated;


e) Fairness - an IDAPNG stakeholder should consider the legitimate interests and expectations of all relevant stakeholders to a matter and in execution of their mandate, role and responsibilities; and 


f) Transparency - an IDAPNG stakeholder should act transparently in the manner in which they exercise their role and responsibilities.




4.1 The IDAPNG expects ethical conduct of its employees, and has a Code of Conduct for all employees as well as a whistle-blowing policy in order to encourage ethical conduct and disclosure of unethical behaviour. Employees are required to declare conflict of interests as well as personal business activities they may operate outside of their employment.


4.2 The IDAPNG expects ethical conduct of its Board members, and has a Board Code of Conduct for all IDAPNG Board members and requires declaration of interests in each Board and committee meeting. The IDAPNG has a Social and Ethics Committee which specifically deals with ethics related matters in order to encourage ethical conduct within the organisation.


4.3 The IDAPNG expects ethical conduct of its members, and has a Member Code of Conduct for all IDAPNG members as well as Disciplinary regulations if members have not acted in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct.


4.4 The IDAPNG shall take a strict zero-tolerance approach towards ethical conduct or offences and shall seek to hold those involved in such conduct accountable in accordance with applicable IDAPNG codes and/or policies.



5.1 The IDAPNG has a strong expectation and monitoring of adherence to its ethical standards and therefore discourages any unethical conduct. Unethical conduct of employees shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant policy in terms of the IDAPNG Policies and Procedures (“HR Policies”) and may result in disciplinary procedures. Unethical conduct for non-executive directors should be dealt with in terms of the Board Code of Conduct. Unethical conduct of members shall be dealt with in terms of the member Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Regulations.



6.1 The IDAPNG, through the Social and Ethics Committee, shall continuously monitor the ethical tone within the organisation and periodically oversee an ethics and culture survey for employees. The high-level results thereof shall be published in the IDAPNG’s annual integrated report.



7.1 In respect to employees, if the IDAPNG finds evidence of non-compliance of its ethics policies or codes of conduct it shall follow its applicable disciplinary process as per its HR Policies to determine the appropriate sanction.


7.2 In respect of IDAPNG Board members, if the IDAPNG finds evidence of non-compliance of its ethics policies or codes of conduct, the remaining Board members shall determine the course of action.


7.3 In respect of members, consequences may be those outlined in the member Disciplinary Regulations, as determined by the disciplinary panel from time to time.


7.4 In respect to all other stakeholders, it shall be at the IDAPNG’s discretion depending on the specific circumstances of breach and offence as to the sanction to be implemented.


7.5 The IDAPNG views the following offences as serious and which may warrant, at the discretion of the IDAPNG, a sanction of termination of relationship:


a) Theft;
b) Fraud or corrupt practices;

c) Dishonesty;
d) Misconduct in or misuse of confidential and personal information of the IDAPNG.


7.6 All non-compliance breaches and sanctions implemented by the IDAPNG shall be reported to the Social and Ethics Committee.



8.1 The Board has approved this policy on 1 February 2023 and it will be reviewed periodically.




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