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  Directors' Economic Confidence Index

A timely look into boardroom sentiment in Papua New Guinea.


Launched in the second quarter of 2023, the IDAPNG Directors' Economic Confidence Index is Papua New Guinea’s first monthly pulse survey of board members on their perspective of the PNG economy and how policies and current events are affecting the companies they oversee.


Every quarter, we ask company directors questions regarding their confidence in the current business environment, their outlook for the economy six to twelve months from now, and their projections for their company’s revenue, profit, and cash/debt ratio for the year ahead. Supplementing those three questions are questions on current events, as they pertain to corporate strategy and governance.


Participation in the poll is reserved exclusively for directors of PNG companies, across all sectors, industries and markets.


The survey remains open till the last day of the month, thus making for a very timely assessment of sentiment. The data is then compiled and analysed to establish trends and calculate the Index’s weighted averages. The results are released to IDAPNG members with exclusive comments and insights from participating directors.


Unless otherwise explicitly agreed upon by the respondent, all responses are kept confidential to allow board members to share their perspective in a respectful, truthful, unbiased and collegial setting.


Thanks very much, the IDAPNG team




The survey has 6 identifying questions, 3 qualifying questions, and a few additional questions specifically on current business and/or governance issues, and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. This survey is open to respondents who work for companies with headquarters or subsidiaries based in Papua New Guinea.


(If you happen to be a board member on more than one company you are welcome to fill in this survey multiple times. Please note, you will need to complete & submit each survey in full each time)

Your industry and location

2. Do you work in a PNG based company?

Your organisation and role

5. What is the annual financial turnover of the organisation you work for?
6. How many employees does your organisation have?

Qualifying Questions

7(a). How optimistic are you about the wider PNG economy over the next six months?
7(b). How optimistic are you about organisational performance over the next six months?

If you answered 'optimistic', please proceed to the next section on current events. 


If you answered 'pessimistic', please continue answering the two remaining questions below before proceeding to the next section.

8. You said you were pessimistic about prospects for the PNG economy. Which, if any, of the following factors best describes the reason you said you were pessimistic? Please select one response.
9(a). Comparing the next six months with the previous six months, what do you believe the outlook for your organisation will be in terms of business investment?
9(c). Comparing the next six months with the previous six months, what do you believe the outlook for your organisation will be in terms of exports?
9(e). Comparing the next six months with the previous six months, what do you believe the outlook for your organisation will be in terms of revenue?
9(b). Comparing the next six months with the previous six months, what do you believe the outlook for your organisation will be in terms of costs?
9(d). Comparing the next six months with the previous six months, what do you believe the outlook for your organisation will be in terms of headcount?
9(f). Comparing the next six months with the previous six months, what do you believe the outlook for your organisation will be in terms of wages?

Current Events

10. In your opinion, should the PNG Kina be devalued?
12. What are the top economic challenges currently facing PNG businesses?
11. Will a devaluation of the PNG Kina affect your business?
13. Do you trust the PNG government?
14. Do you believe government corruption hinders economic growth in PNG?
15. Do you think SOEs in PNG should be privatised?

Thank you for your participation!


Your input is very much appreciated. A detailed report, based on the results of the survey will be available in the fourth quarter.


Yours in governance, the IDAPNG team.

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